Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Nursery to a Boy's Room. Progress...Kind of.

My house is completely turned upside down.  But I thought I would share it with you anyway.  (Please forgive the poor lighting...I was losing daylight on these.)

Here's a last look at my sweet boy's nursery.

And here is his new big boy room!  Still a disaster area, but slowly getting organized.  :)

 The Hubster built his bed - a modified version of this plan by Ana White.

We opted to forgo a box spring and added extra slats to support his new mattress.  Hubster also beefed up the bed frame, ensuring that the bed can handle our rambunctious Kiddo.

We brought in the rug from the nursery since Poppy will be getting a girlified rug.  This is also the cleanest this rug has been in months.  Photographed for posterity.  ;)

His little, old-man recliner is well positioned next to his bookshelves.

We're learning about how the hamper can be used for dirty clothes...not just as a fun basket to crawl in or as a hiding spot for dog toys.

And for now, the dresser/changing table is in the closet.  Kiddo thinks this is the best idea ever.  It works for the moment.

For the most part, the other side of his room still looks like this...

We still have a looooong way to go!


  1. Replies
    1. No...that's just what we've been calling her since we found out we were pregnant. And it just so happened that she's a girl! I have a few names in mind, but I don't think I'm going to pick anything until she's born. :)
