Saturday, February 9, 2013

Giveaway Winners & Weekend Links!

Happy Saturday friends!

I'm happy to announce the winners of the 31 Days to a Heart of Hospitality eBook giveaway!

Congratulations to numbers 3 & 1...Lady J and Kali Kalinyuk!  

Please contact me with your email addresses {thetidsandbitsblog{at}gmail{dot}com} and I will forward your information to Edie so she can send you the download links!

And, here are some of my favorite reads from this week:

Halfway Homemade: Honey & Buttermilk Pie from Emma @ A Beautiful Mess
Buttermilk pie is hands-down my favorite pie.  I've never made mine with honey, but I'm so intrigued I can't wait to try this one out.

The Lucy Maude Montgomery Journals Read Along with Caroline @ Caroline by Line
I don't own copies of LMM's journals - I didn't even know they existed - but this read along has me inspired to add these to my reading list for this year.  Or to re-read the Anne books.  Or both.

Your Real, New Self by Edie @ Life in Grace
Inspiring and thought provoking.  I think I read this 4 times this week.  And now my conundrum for the day is do I start re-reading Mere Christianity during naptime or work on taxes?  Me thinks reading CS Lewis would be much more restful than working on taxes....and I am supposed to be resting and healing.... ;)


  1. Great reads. I didn't know that LLM's journals existed either. Now I want to read them.

    1. I'm checking with my library to see if Volume 1 is available to check out! :)
