Monday, March 28, 2011

What I've Been Up To...

I know, I know....I've gone off the radar again.  But many more posts are in the works...I promise!

It's been a busy couple of weeks in our casa.  Filled with hours learning how to sew...

{side note: first I had to learn where the power switch was...then how to make a bobbin and thread the machine...then I got to learn how to sew....only to realize days later I'd been sewing with the foot peddle backwards the whole time...maybe that's why the machine would suddenly jump from slow as molasses to speed racer fast??}

...a happy accident while picking paint...

...turning my grown-up guest bathroom into a more whimsical, kid-friendly bathroom...that still feels grown-up for when we have guests...

...reading...lots and lots of reading...{have I shared my bookworm tendencies with you yet?  I also have books on my phone I'm reading at the same time...because this stack on my nightstand just isn't quite enough...don't ask me how I keep track of them all}...

...and lots of baby cuddles and babbling conversations and all kinds of baby accomplishments as my little one nears the 4 month mark... soul has been fed, my cup runneth over, and I'm so excited to share it all with you!

{Just look at those chunk-a-monk baby thighs!!}

Stay tuned my friends!


  1. he's so gorgeous! love all the photos & videos yesterday. :-)

  2. Thanks Emily! I just can't believe how quickly he is growing {and I'm acutely aware that I say that all the time} and I'm amazed at how determined he is to master the world around him. He reminds me so much of myself's a little scary!
