Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Happy Bloggy-versary!

A year ago I thought it'd be fun to blog.  I was super pregnant, on bed rest, and I looked like this...

Nope...not a watermelon in there.  Just a humongous child taking his sweet time.  :)

I'll never forget the night I started my blog.  Because it's also the night my water broke.  And, uh yeah, you don't forget that.  Needless to say, the blog immediately went on the back burner.  I've picked it up and set it down throughout the year, but I'm so thankful for this outlet.  I just read through some of my old posts and I'm amazed at some of the little things I've already forgotten.

If you're new here, I'm sure you've noticed my blog is a little all over the place.  Hence the name "Tids & Bits".  I like a little of everything and I've struggled to focus on just one topic, but in looking back I see that just about everything revolves around the home. Thoughts on decorating, crafting, gardening {who am I kidding, Hubster has the green thumb!}, cooking, life with a baby...the list goes on. 

I hope to have many more years together, you and me and this little blog.  So raise a glass with me {I've got coffee, of course} as we celebrate one year of Tids & Bits.  {You know I love any reason to celebrate.}  :)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on one year of blogging - what a great story of your first post! I hope you enjoyed a weekend of fun, celebrating the first of many birthdays to come. :
